CSC 240                 Database Systems                          Spring 2007

Project Demo (Week of April 23-27, 2007):


Plan on 15 minutes, including a little time for questions. Show the DB design, demonstrate core functionality, show many of the queries, and hit some other highlights


Core Functionality

1.    A new movie is to be released, Create all relevant records in all relevant tables.

2.    A critic has a review of a movie to enter. Show how they would enter their rating.

3.    A movie has finished its run in theatres, and will be released on video soon. Update box office revenues and video release date.

4.    A customer has viewed a movie. Show how they would enter their rating.


You should note that the presentation grade is small (5%), the APPLICATION is a big part of your grade. Your presentation is to 1) give you experience with presenting, and 2) help me in grading and 3) for students to see a variety of approaches to the project.


All members of the group should participate in the presentation!


Don’t demonstrate so fast that we (the audience) cannot follow the demo! (this is really common)


Show up on time!! Some of you are late arrivers.



Demo Schedule (all in Olney 201):


Wed Apr 25:


9:00-9:15 Wayne Kuehner, Ellis Wilson, Paul Grabania

9:15-9:30 David Pallas, Colette Nicoletto, Anthony Medeiros

9:30-9:45 Ashley Banks, Patrick O’Doherty, John Gillespie


Fri Apr 27:


9:00-9:15 Kathryn Hartman, Brian Hannan, Stephen Allen

9:15-9:30 Jaime Quirez, Anthony Gallo, Bre’Onne Davis

9:30-9:45 Batucan Pars, Chau Nguyen, Jason Forbes